Working visit of Samruk-Kazyna’s management to the sites of KazMunayGas in Atyrau Region and Mangistau Region
During the working trip on 12 and 13 May 2021, Almassadam Satkaliyev, Chairman of the Management Board of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, visited the sites of JSC NC "KazMunayGas" in Atyrau Region and Mangistau Region.
On 12 May, a meeting was held with Makhambet Dosmukhambetov, Akim of Atyrau Region, to discuss implementation and development of oil & gas and energy investment projects, social and economic activities of KMG’s subsidiaries.
A site walk-through and a brief meeting were arranged on the construction site of the Integrated Gas and Chemical Complex. According to Alik Aidarbayev, Chairman of KMG’s Management Board, the current construction progress of the polypropylene plant is over 86%.
Foundation and concrete work, installation of underground utilities have already been completed; steel structures, process piping and equipment are currently being installed. The construction is expected to be completed by the end of this year, while commissioning is scheduled for Q1 2022. The plant will enable Kazakhstan to produce up to 500,000 tonnes of polypropylene annually.
The construction site visit also included presentation of the future digital finished product warehouse being built with the involvement of DHL, the leader of the logistics market, and progress reports on digitalization of the polypropylene plant.
The delegation checked out the readiness of the supporting infrastructure facilities: a water and effluent treatment unit by Karabatan Utility Solutions LLP, performance of a 310 MW steam and gas turbine power plant and a compressed air and nitrogen production unit by Air Liquid Karabatan TechGases LLP.
The Chairman of Samruk-Kazyna’s Management Board instructed KazMunayGas to keep building petrochemical plants in Kazakhstan.
Options for manufacturing new and export types of products were presented by Atyrau Refinery. As a result of staged upgrades, AR is now one of the high-tech facilities with the Nelson complexity index of 13. During inspection of the refinery, the delegation visited the construction site of new open mechanical treatment units (MTUs) with construction phase 1 expected to be completed in 2021. The TAZALYQ Project, which provides for construction of a closed channel for effluents treated to standard quality and reclamation of evaporation fields, will minimise adverse impact on the environment. The environmental effect from the new MTUs is the removal of 8000 sq. m of open petroleum product evaporation fields and recycling of 15% of treated wastewater for own production. Reclamation of the evaporation fields will prevent adverse impact on the atmosphere, groundwater, local flora and fauna.
On 13 May, a meeting was held with the management of Tengizchevroil LLP. The meeting included presentation of the progress of major investment projects to increase oil production.
The meeting with Embamunaigas JSC included discussions of production and social & economic activities, vaccination of personnel. The guests were also shown the company’s proprietary digital transformation developments. Innovative data collection and processing methods reduced costs and increased efficiency of investments. The Smart Field project was highly praised by CIS oil producers.
On 13 May in Aktau, a meeting was held with Serikbai Trumov, Akim of Mangistau Region. Implementation of production and investment plans was discussed with the management of Mangistaumunaygas JSC and subsidiaries.
Working meetings to discuss current activities were also held during the visits to Caspi Bitum JV LLP, Aktau Sea Trade Port, NMSC Kazmortransflot LLP and Kuryk Port LLP.