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JSC NC KazMunayGas issued a Report on sustainable development for 2017 Creating a Sustainable Future


KazMunayGas (“KMG” or “Company”) issued a Report on sustainable development for 2017 that discloses information on performance, achievements, goals and impact of NC KazMunayGas Group both positive and negative on environment, economy in the area of operations and community. The Report serves as the central communications channel through which KMG discloses information to all concerned.

The Report was prepared in accordance with GRI Standards 2016 in expanded format and passed GRI Materiality Disclosures Service. The Report represents a Message on the Progress as part of KMG’s involvement in United Nations Global Compact and shows the Company’s commitment to principles in the area of human rights, labour, environment and corruption control and on the Company’s assistance in achieving 17 global goals in the area of sustainable development.

Being aware of the importance of consideration of the interests of concerned parties, we annually gather a feedback to the Report. This practice helps us improve the content and the scope of the Report and better guide and inform employees and other parties concerned to raise their awareness about sustainable development of the Company.

JSC NC KazMunayGas

KazMunayGas (“KMG” or “Company”) issued a Report on sustainable development for 2017 that discloses information on performance, achievements, goals and impact of NC KazMunayGas Group both positive and negative on environment, economy in the area of operations and community. The Report serves as the central communications channel through which KMG discloses information to all concerned.

The Report was prepared in accordance with GRI Standards 2016 in expanded format and passed GRI Materiality Disclosures Service. The Report represents a Message on the Progress as part of KMG’s involvement in United Nations Global Compact and shows the Company’s commitment to principles in the area of human rights, labour, environment and corruption control and on the Company’s assistance in achieving 17 global goals in the area of sustainable development.

Being aware of the importance of consideration of the interests of concerned parties, we annually gather a feedback to the Report. This practice helps us improve the content and the scope of the Report and better guide and inform employees and other parties concerned to raise their awareness about sustainable development of the Company.
